
Monday, March 28, 2011


"Although the human race is unable to build such a thing as a spider's web, we have been able to construct a world-wide network of communication. The growth of our 'civilization' leaves big,ugly footprints on the very earth from which it springs. Huge cities spill out all over the world, catering to the never-ending needs of millions of human beings. A tight knit cascade of cables, wires and sound waves that weave themselves in and around us. Some we see and others we don't. Modern civilization is built upon a web of technology that most of us use but few understand. Isn't it true that most people have to learn how to switch the computer on and operate it! How many really comprehend how it works? It's like the number one million. We know that number but it is impossible to comprehend. 
Just like a spider's web, though, we must take care. Our flimsy existence can be broken in a second. If such a fateful event occurs in the life of a spider, they merely move on and build another web in some other place but we, are not so flexible as the spider. How many of us would like to be living in a 'modern' city today if technology just stopped? What have we got of human, moral and spiritual resources to see us through such a crisis?"

something to think about? i think yes.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


movement has happened
growth has taken place
its when i sit here 
and my thoughts take a hold of me
and then i cant help but think
that i keep getting the short end of the stick
but i dont.
this is all working out for God's sweet glory

my Savior is asking me why
i keep telling Him i don't know

if i don't trust him, 
and trust that what he is doing is good
then i am pretty much saying 
that i have a hard time 
believing that He can do
Exactly What He Says He Can Do.

satan, i laugh in your face.
you are powerless
and my God is Mighty.

Monday, March 21, 2011


there's a possibility that the entire course of my life is fixing to drastically change.
in three months i will know with a blood test.
i don't want a needle in me forever.

and yet again i make a bold statement and say that
no one ever asked me what i wanted.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


most nights i cant sleep.
im tired
but i just cant.
my mind wont stop.

i keep thinking if i hide myself
under these thin sheets i can count my days slower and slower
but i cant
they keep coming and going
quicker then i'd ever thought they would
and they do.
then they're gone
just like you and me

it doesn't help..

me dreaming about you.

you're supposed to be chasing your own dreams.
stop chasing me
in mine.

most mornings i cant get up.
im awake
but i just cant.
my mind wont stop.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


even writing everything down doesn't do it justice.
speaking it doesn't either.

my thoughts are here for good.
my eyes won't shut until your tune stops beating to the old tired drum you kick with your foot.

does everyone have a tender heart? in a wishful thinkers world, the answer would be yes. but in a corrupt world, the answer is no, their heart is far from tender- its hardened. you see, too many people see too many things. too many people experience too many things. but despite what they have seen, despite what they've experienced, they haven't experienced something quite like this.  like grace, like love.

too many people give up on relationships, friendships, and marriages in correlation to what our culture deems "right" by a society who doesn't know their left from their right. so many people use an eleven phrase word to end a relationship, or a marriage and expect that to be the tell all end all. well let me tell you something, it doesn't. "i love you, but i'm not in love with you."what does that even mean?
are you sure you know what love really is?

1 John 4:8  

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love